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"Home of Iloilo schools' news, happenings and all around campus fun"

Welcome to ISYU, where we bring you the best contents that relate to students social life, studies and future.  Our goal is to provide top quality, premium content for all our viewers and loyal readers.  

We are dedicating this site to Iloilo City, making the Iloilo students' whole school experience much less serious than it should be.  Our fabulous team of writers and contributors gives you the inside scoop on the whole school scenario.

This website devote its content to providing an effective platform where students can share information, knowledge, talent, experience and some other campus-related activities.   


ISYU does not have an a full editorial board and/or staff writers.  We completely depend on you, you can send your writings, arts, videos, poetry or photos.  We don't charge any fee if you submit articles to be published.  This is your home, your portal to education and learning.  Let your talents and ideas be visible to the whole world.   


Any work that you will submit are considered for publication in ISYU.  We do not return your submissions, so it would be best to keep your copy.

We don't impose deadlines.  ISYU accepts submissions all year round.  However, if you are trying to send articles or works that is holiday-specific (ex: Valentine articles, Christmas articles), please try to submit it at least a month ahead.

You must be 13 to 19 years old in order for your article to be published.

If, due to the personal nature of a place, you don't want your name published, kindly indicate it upon submission of your work, either online or offline.  We respect your request for privacy and will not display your real name.

All materials submitted to ISYU will become our property.  By submitting your work to ISYU, you are giving us and our partners, affiliates and licensees the non-exclusive right to publish your work in any format, including print, electronic and online media.  ISYU may edit your work at its sole discretion.  All contributors of ISYU will retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere, and you have ISYU's permission to do so.  

Sycamore Media LLC.

© 2014 by Sycamed

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